A Handbook of Current Issues and Trends in English Language Teaching
عزیزه چالاک - حسین حیدری تبریزی
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A Handbook of Current Issues and Trends in English Language Teaching is a thematic collection of eight original papers. It aims to introduce practitioners in TEFL, especially the postgraduate students, to the current, innovative issues and trends in ELT. The themes include Mindfulness, Photovoicing, Digital Literacy, L2 Grit, ICT-directed ESP, Self-identity, Vision, and Personalized Language Learning. Hopefully, this handbook could be a starting point for various activities and might be helpful for those striving to find research topics in the field.

Being Mindful in Learning English as a Foreign Language

Afsaneh Rahimi, Azizeh Chalak

Effect of Photovoice on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Speaking


Sommayeh Pournia, Azizeh Chalak

From Start to Finish: Digital Literacy in Teacher Education in Iranian

EFL Classrooms

Shirin Zibaei, Azizeh Chalak

Relationship between L2 Grit and Iranian EFL Learner’s Proficiency: Gender as a Moderator

Akram Alaedini, Azizeh Chalak

Integrating ICT into ESP Instruction in the Iranian EFL Educational


Marjan Chahian, Azizeh Chalak

EFL Learners’ Self-identity Development, Change Types, and Factors

State of the Art

Mohammad Reza Tavusi, Hossein Heidari Tabrizi

Relationship Among Motivation, Vision, Sensory Styles, and 

Imagination of Iranian EFL Learners

Fatemeh Golshahian, Hossein Heidari Tabrizi

Personalized Learning in Iranian EFL Contexts

Fatemeh Moazami, Hossein Heidari Tabrizi


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